Friday, December 14, 2007

The First Big Storm

Yesterday, Thursday, brought our first big storm. While I don't have an official final tally it does seem to be about 10 inches. Kids are very excited to put on all their gear and get outside. Jessica got out of school early then we all watched the snow fall. Looks like this is going to stay around for awhile. Oh yes, take note of the big gap in Jessica's teeth, she lost one of her big front teeth this past weekend.

1 comment:

Bec Odell said...

Oh I love the gap tooth smile - is the other front one loose? They need to be out at the same time. (Didn't happen for Emma - my kids and their stubborn teeth) Very nice snow pics. I took a few today of Jack. Nothing great. He wasn't in the mood. Em is at a friend's - half day so she went right off the bus. Glad to see J & J in the blog again. Oh, bought a $9.99 JC Penney dress for our spring pictures at DHD!!! Oh, for Emma I mean. I will work on finding something to coordinate for Jack. I have lots of ideas for our shoot. I bet you can't wait!!! :)