Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Longtime Client

The session today was with a little girl that I have been photographing from the beginning- literally. Anyone ready for another walk down memory lane? Ok, here we go. When I first met Miss S and her family she had not quite made her appearance in the world yet. (There is a chance that her mom may never forgive me for posting her maternity pics, but I don't think so, right L?)

The next time I met Miss S she was two weeks old....

Here she is at nine months, love the squinchy nose smile.

And at one year old....
These pictures are from today, she is eighteen months old. Her mom and I had a plan. It involved a backdrop, a stool and smiling at the camera. Something like this....

But alas Miss S had her own plans. They involved running behind the backdrop and playing peek-a-boo. Pretty stinking cute though- right?


Anonymous said...

I really like the first one. The wispy hair, the slightly off kilter pose, and the eyes really pop.

Kelly H. said...

"Wild thing, you make my heart sing..." Devilishly splendid.