Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Costumes

I made this witch costume for Jessica 3 years ago. Because I made it I didn't have the heart to get rid of it and I have been keeping it in the Halloween box. Well Jessica grabbed it and asked if she could try it on. I scoffed and told her she could try, but I doubted it would fit. Well here are the pictures of her in October 2004 (taken by my Aunt Marcia because we were in Thailand).

And here she is today at her school costume parade. Isn't she adorable?? So that was Jessica's costume this year.

So what was Justin you ask? A Red Power Ranger- with muscles and a mask, that's how he describes his costume. Of course he will only wear the mask for a minute.

We went out around 6pm tonight. Stopped at a couple of neighbors houses first and then picked up Jessica's friend/ classmate and his parents. We went two streets down and picked up Sara and her sister. We had a great time. The weather was beautiful, the kids didn't even wear coats, of course they were running non-stop. Justin pooped out a little early- he was thirsty. Jessica and I returned home at 8pm. There is way too much candy in my house right now- ugh.


Kelly H. said...

What's funny is I thought the second picture was Rebecca, looks just like her! Hysterical to see how much she grew in those 3 years, huh? Justin was in good company, we didn't like our mask here either.

Anonymous said...

She looks totally adorable. I love it! I love those fake muscles in the boy costumes now. Makes me smile everytime I see them.