Thursday, August 23, 2007

A few more from NC

We are having a blast. lots of sand castles and wave jumping. We discovered a pond at the end of our street. After dinner we walk the kids down and there are tons of turtles that come up for bread bits. Emily astutely observed, "where I come from we do this with ducks". No pictures of the turtles just now, but here is one of Marc and I that Becky took when we were looking at the turtles.

vacation is our time to take family pictures- before the crush and panic of getting it in time for Christmas. Here is one of each family. This is one of our family, but probably not the one you will see on our cards.

and, just so you know I go in the water too. Here I am on the left and Marc is on the ride. We tried to go Boogie Boarding together yesterday but the waves were very rough. The fight to get out to the waves was not worth the ride coming in. Jessica has decided to get Marc a boogie board for his birthday- shhhh it is a secret.


Kelly H. said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the couple pic and the family pictures. The one of Justin at the pool is a neat photo.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.