Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day two in VA

Another lazy day, we even ate our lunch in our jammies. We finally went to the pool at 2 and stayed until 5. The kids always love the piano at Grandma and Grandpa's house, but the rule is you have to wait until everyone is awake. In fact today, as soon as Grandpa came into the kitchen Justin dashed out to the living to open up the piano. Here, Justin and Grandma are playing together (well at this moment they are having a contest to see who can play more keys with their arms). I am playing with some of my conversions of photos so bare with the different looks here.

Justin and Grandpa later decided to tackle the marble run. they had big plans and after much hard work they succeeded. Only immediately after finishing their masterpiece Justin began to dismantle it with glee.

1 comment:

Kelly H. said...

LOVE the multi-generational photo op here!!