Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day one in VA, part one

mostly we are all a little lazy today. the kids have been having fun just hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma has a huge box of legos that she brought upstairs. That has been keeping our attention off and on.

Since I have been woefully remiss in working with Jessica on academic things this summer I brought along her first grade book on this trip thinking it would be something we could do. She was very excited and sat right down to work. When we told her she was being very quiet she looked at us and said with a straight face, "that's because I take my work seriously". As you can see Grandpa takes his work seriously too.

we helped Grandma get some beans and tomatos from the garden too, now if I could just get them to eat them...
we went to the AWESOMEST playground after lunch. I will include pictures in my next post.

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