Sunday, August 12, 2007

2 quick pics

Jessica lost another tooth! We knew it was going to happen, the next tooth was growing right in behind this one. This time we wrapped the tooth the special way that Daddy used to always do it as a kid and left the bundle next to the bed. In the morning the bundle was there, but the tooth was gone and it had money inside instead- magical!

Here is another amusing picture, and I am so glad that Marc captured it. This is how Justin sleeps. He is a nomadic sleeper. He does not "conform to traditional sleeping practices" as Marc likes to say. He goes to bed with his head at the other end of the bed and the covers on top, but that is not the way he stays.

well we are off to VA tomorrow morning and then on to NC next Saturday. Our last hurrah of the summer, we are all very excited to be beach bums again. Jill is here today, all the way from Washington, so I am going to go and visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a crazy sleeper. When it comes time to share a bed with his girlfriend, he's going to have all sorts of issues. Whoa.....just had a dejavu moment....