Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bet you thought I forgot, huh Manj?

If it had been anyone else I would have cancelled the appointment. But my friend Manjula and her kids were leaving the next day to go back to Germany and I was already in the car. It was so dark due to the torrential storm raging outside. I finally realized that if I opened the front door and stood in the rain I might be able to get a few good pics. Since it has taken me so long to put these up, I am putting up a bunch.

Miss R decided that I could only take her picture if she wasn't looking at the camera. In the end I really like these pictures- so the joke is on her.

This one is not technically perfect, but very cute.

Sorry it didn't work out for our beautiful garden shoot- guess you have to come back again soon.


Kelly H. said...

GORGEOUS children. I remember the weather that day, so I'm even more impressed at how good these are, Deb.

Your kids are sooo stinking cute, Manj!!! Tell Juergen to get the home security now for their dating years (though I hope you'll be back here by then!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pictures (Deb) and the compliments (Kelly). I must run - still have to unpack! Hope to see you both in November!