Ooooh I have been so excited to meet Miss R, well we have been referring to her as Junebug while we waited her arrival since she was due in June. Well apparently Miss R had her own plans so she decided to arrive a little early. I finally got to meet her today, on her 6th day of life. Miss R is all cuddled up in a blanket that Mommy's grandma made for her when she was born, Miss R looks quite comfy, don't you think?
Here she is in her Daddy's hands- isn't she just so sweet and petite?
The beautiful family of three... While many might think it is cool to have a friend that is a photographer- there are a few drawbacks- like your friend might make you do this with your new baby!
I am out of town for the weekend, but I was told my departure was contingent on putting some pictures up here- phew ransom paid.
What a fun weekend I have had- the weather was beautiful and I was able to photograph so many nice families. I finished off the weekend last night with this fun crew.
Mr T LOVES his trucks. They made a few appearances throughout the shoot.
I last saw Mr I when he was about 8 months old. Now he is a very active two year old with a beautiful 5 month old sister. I headed out in their direction on Saturday and the weather was just beautiful. I had been warned that Mr I wasn't going to be too keen to have his picture taken- of course it isn't the first time I have heard this but I was ready. We started by letting Mr I hang out in his tractor.What boy doesn't smile when he is sitting in his tractor?
hey! wait! We are not done yet, where are you going????
We sent Mr I and Daddy off to ride their tractors so that Mom and I could get to business getting some pictures of the newest cutie in the family.
Friday night I had the pleasure to meet with and photograph a few families through the Wings of Love organization. Because a few of the children are in the foster care system I am unable to post their images on the web- so you just have to trust me that they are just as cute as these guys.... Thanks for inviting me over, it was a nice way to spend the evening.
You know that feeling you get when someone is staring you? Well my blog has been feeling that way all day :) I met Mr J and his mama yesterday. His mommy has many friends with little ones that have appeared on the blog before and she is excited to join the club! So without further ado..... the very handsome Mr J!
He wasn't feeling very snoozy but we caught a couple :)
If this shot doesn't make you go awwww.... well you are reading the wrong blog.
Well there is first for everything. This Mom loved the pics she saw from a previous client and asked if I would travel to take pictures of her family. Sure! So I headed out to NY today to meet up with this wonderful family. Is there anything cuter than daddies and daughters?
What a beautiful day and what better way to spend it then with a beautiful family. At least one member of the family admits to stalking my blog- but I will keep his identity a secret- oops may have said too much already :)
Mr J, the cutie sitting in Grandma's lap, was a little hesitant to join in the picture taking fun. He forced me to pull out my secret weapon- phew it worked!
Uncle B and his main squeeze didn't want to be left out.
Yeah! Spring has sprung! I am so excited to get outside and take lots of pictures. I have known these cuties for a LONG time. We decided to grab a few pictures yesterday afternoon. Here is Miss A, and while I do have pictures of her smiling there is something about this shot I just LOVE. Mr A was not so thrilled to pose for me- let's just say I don't even want to know what was happening behind my back to get this smile.
They brought a friend with them- Miss N, these pics are going to be a surprise for her Mama- ooh I hope she doesn't look at my blog :) Very fun hanging with you guys- let's do it again soon, without my camera.