Friday, October 9, 2009

A little poser | Wilbraham, MA Child Photographer

Miss K came to see me last year and wasn't so sure about the whole picture taking thing. This year she jumped out of the car and immediately showed me the pose she has been practicing- so cute. Here is a little hint of the pose- more to come...

Miss K brought her parents along too- here they are the family of three, but not for long...

As a photographer there are time that as I take the picture I think- "yes!" and this was one of those times. Here is Miss K- rocking her pose!


Bec Odell said...

Love, love, love that last one. The sun, the pose, the leaves on the walk... Also really like the one on the grass. Great job fall photo lady!

michelled said...

Yes, the last picture had me thinking Erin Cobb!!

Mrs. Cook said...

Deb. BEAUTIFUL. Love them ALL.