Saturday, May 10, 2008

Meet Mr. M

This is Mr. M. His mom and I went to Smith together. They moved back to the area um, 2 years ago and we never get together, so bad. Well what better excuse than to get some pics of her little cutie. We met at Mount Holyoke this morning, yes the irony was not lost on us. I was warned ahead of time that he does not like having his picture taken and it would not be easy. I think he overheard because he is a champ at falling for reverse psychology, so he was smiley, adorable, and cooperative. Kids just LOVE to prove their parents wrong. There were so many pictures it was hard to narrow down just a few to put on the blog.

Amy is was great seeing you guys today and spending time with M, he is awesome.


Prescott said...

Thanks again, Deb!!! I love, love, love them already.

Kelly H. said...

Love the last one, very cool framing.