Well the snow actually did stop us a little- we were supposed to get some nice fall pictures last Sunday- pretty sure you know how that worked out. Yesterday was a beautiful day to reschedule! More on Facebook here.
I have totally been enjoying all these senior photo shoots and I have been blessed to find a nice group of students who are insisting I take their pictures! It is such a nice break from the little ones. I also love the flexibility these shoots offer. Miss A went from the sweet soccer player to a gorgeous woman right before my eyes.
Well we were supposed to get together last Sunday- um pretty sure you know how well that panned out. Then we were supposed to meet at Stanley Park but it was closed. So we did our best on a very chilly morning yesterday. The good news is that Mr J is super cute no matter where we take the pics! More on Facebook here.
This was the final family before that CRAZY HORRIBLE storm hit- literally this session ended and about 2 hours later the snow began to fall. I finally remembered that I had a blanket in the back of my car and we used that to keep us warm between pictures. They were total troopers!
I had such a nice visit with these two cuties. Miss A is only a few weeks old and has the sweetest smiles. Big Sis was very patient waiting for her time to shine. She had LOTS of ideas for pictures that we should take- very fun!