After saying goodbye to Miss E I headed out to Stanley Park in Westfield to meet up with Mr J. This is the third time I have had the pleasure of photographing this total cutie. His blue eyes win me over every time! Can you guess how old Mr J is now? Thanks for making my day! More on Facebook here.
I had such a great day on Saturday. Never mind the fact that it did not rain at all- which was awesome considering the past week, but more importantly I got to photograph two adorable one year olds. First up was Miss E with her Mom and Dad. Miss E decided to take a bite out of Mom's finger- hmm guess she was hungry.
Look what I found in my yard today!!! (yup that is exactly what happened. That is my story and you can't convince me otherwise).
Pretty cute, right? Have you checked your yards recently?? You might find cuties like this one! oooh oooh or maybe this one! Then I decided it was time to figure out who Miss G belonged to and return her since I know they would missing her for sure.
Thanks for helping me get my baby fix! More on Facebook.
Saturday was First Communion day in our town. I can't think of a better time to get some big group family pictures! Miss J, the youngest of four, was the star of the day.
Pretty sure while I was taking this picture I heard Mom sniffling behind me... LOVE this one! Pretty sure Miss L would like to strangle me for sharing this on, she does not like her teeth to show when she smiles. But those are the perks of being in charge (and I think it is a BEAUTIFUL smile)!
There were some other cuties there and you know I just can't help myself. More on Facebook!
Finally our weather is perking up! I get a little disappointed when the beautiful weather arrives and I don't have any photo shoots scheduled- luckily that was not the case yesterday. Miss E was a little shy when I first arrived and I got a few pictures like this... (and anyone who knows me know I love pictures like this one)
No worries by the end Miss E found some smiles to share with me!
Her little sister Miss L was happy to share her smiles too.
The whole beautiful family! So nice to meet you all yesterday- more pictures on Facebook!