Monday, February 5, 2007


As of September 1
2011 Session Fees:

$75 in Wilbraham
$100 at a location in the greater Springfield, MA area
Senior Pictures- $125 (includes a digital image for the yearbook)

Your session fee covers my time and talent as a photographer, prints are not included.

2011 Print Prices:

4x6 = $4
5x7 = $10
8x10 = $18
11x14 = $28
16x20 = $55
wallets (8) = $9

other sizes and styles available.
If you don't see something you are interested in purchasing, please let me know and we can work together to find a product that works.

one print showcasing multiple images

4x6 = $8
5x7 = $15
8x10 = $25
11x14 = $35

More sizes are available- please inquire if interested.

Canvas Gallery Wrap Prints

8x10 = $110
11x14 = $145
16x20 = $215

Digital Packages
You may purchase 10 full resolution images with a copyright release for $250. Additional images (above the original 10) are available for $15 each.

For $525 you will receive the entire session on disc, full resolution images with a copyright release.

all fees and prices are subject to change


It is Picture Taking Season! Below you will find my Fall weekend schedule. I have set up some picture taking days at various locations. There are many open weekend dates available if you are interested in different locations- like your home- as well. I highly encourage you to book your appointment as early as possible, this gives us a cushion for rainy days as well as the Fall Cold your child will get at some point. Plus it is warm and the trees have leaves in September and October- not so much in November.

My Fees have increased- all appointments in Wilbraham are now $75 and all appointments in the greater Springfield area are $100. There are two exceptions to this rule: the first is the all day shoots I have scheduled- all of those are $75 each regardless of location or number of people; the second exception is weekday appointments. All weekday appointments scheduled when my children are in school will revert to the previous session fee structure of $55 in Wilbraham and $75 in greater Springfield.

I will continuously update this page so that you know what is available. Once a slot has been booked I will put your last name in that slot so that we both know you have the space taken.

I will be booking returning clients first- starting September 3rd I will open up the appointments for new clients.

If you are interested in an appointment on any of these days or weekdays please
email me at debhanna at charter dot net or call me at (413) 596-4158.

Sat- Mon September 3-5 appointments available, call or email

Saturday September 10th early afternoon available, call or email
Sunday September 11th late afternoon available, call or email

Saturday September 17th Forest Park Springfield [rain date Sun Sept 18th] Session Fee- $75
1:00 Orgozalek

Sunday September 18th- rain date for previous day, appointments available if no rain the day before.

Saturday/ Sunday September 24th 25th NO APPOINTMENTS

Saturday October 1st appointments available call or email

Sunday October 2nd Quabbin Reservoir Belchertown [rain date Saturday October 8th] Session Fee $75
10:00 Seaman
11:00 Muscaro
1:00 O'Rourke
2:00 Donohue
3:00 Kennedy
4:00 Dewey

Saturday October 8th- rain date for previous Sunday- accepting names for a wait list if there is no rain.

Sunday October 9th Stanley Park- Westfield [rain date Saturday October 15th] Session Fee $75
9:00 Thomas
10:00 Flynn
11:00 Bowler
2:00 Murphy
3:00 Cabrini
4:00 Fergus
5:00 Odell

Saturday October 15th- rain date for previous Sunday- accepting names for a wait list if there is no rain.

Sunday October 16th- Wilbraham & Monson Academy- Wilbraham [rain date Saturday October 22nd] Session Fee $75
9:00 Rigney
10:00 Fitzgerald
1:30 Allen
2:30 Streeter
3:30 Cahillane

Saturday October 22nd rain date for previous Sunday- accepting names for a wait list if there is no rain.

Sunday October 23rd Wilbraham & Monson Academy- Wilbraham [rain date Saturday October 29th] Session Fee $75
9:00 Vreeland
10:00 Bowler
11:00 Welch
1:30 Meunier
2:30 Rice
3:30 Garvey
4:30 Hickson

Saturday October 29th rain date for previous Sunday- accepting names for a wait list if there is no rain.

Sunday October 30th appointments available, call or email

Saturday November 5th appointments available, call or email
Sunday November 6th appointments available, call or email

Saturday November 12th appointments available, call or email
Sunday November 13th appointments available, call or email


I love what I do. I have always had an interest in photography but after my my own children were born I found myself on the quest to take the perfect picture. Once my own children began to tire of my photographic attentions I turned my lens onto my friend's children. From there my business grew.
I know how hard it can be to get a good picture of your child, a true picture of their personality. That is my goal. My style is somewhere between posed and candid. While I work on getting the perfect smile at the camera picture I will also look for those little moments that will break through.
I look forward to meeting you and getting to know your family.